The Petition
Click Here for the Petition regarding saving AMI cities. Petition instructions:
Please complete both halves of the Letters to Legislators; one is for Rep. Robinson and the other is to Sen. Boyd. If they are a FL voter but don’t live on the island, check the first box and circle “works” or “plays.” Scan or photo the completed form and email to or deliver to The Coffee Shack, 5500 Marina Dr., Holmes Beach.
Save Florida Home Rule Description
Purpose: We are a grass roots non-partisan group giving voice to the residents of Anna Maria Island, specifically, and the State of Florida more broadly, to preserve control of local governance by our municipalities.
Facebook: Click Here for Save Florida Home Rule Facebook Page
Steering Group: Barbara Beckwith, Linda Berz, Neal Berz, Ginny Contestable, Char Demidovich, Barb Ehren, Tom Ehren, Kate Eiseler, Tim Eiseler, Lynn Graham, Marianne Hiland, Jim Langstaff, Kris Reger, Bill Romberger
- To promote preservation/restoration of home rule in Florida.
- To prevent the passage of a Florida statute by the 2025 legislature to consolidate or dissolve the cities of Anna Maria Island.
- To obtain a copy of the OPPAGA study due in June/July, a study commissioned by the Florida legislature as a basis for considering consolidation or dissolution of the three island cities.
Our Position:
We oppose consolidation of AMI cities into one island city or the dissolution of AMI cities and take over by either Bradenton or Manatee County. More broadly we oppose further preemption of home rule in Florida.
- Rationale: We believe that consolidation or take-over of the island cities will destroy the beauty of Anna Maria Island, ultimately leading to changes in zoning to build high-rises, and will pave the way for the identity of other Florida cities to be hijacked.
- “Preserve paradise “
- “Prevent AMI from Becoming Another Miami Beach” –
- “No high-rises on our island.”
- “Keep your hands off our island cities.”
- AMI is where many citizens live, work or play – “Let the people decide how they want to live.”
- Embrace League of Cities mantra – “Local voices make local choices.”
- “Protect our way of life.”
- To other Florida cities: “You could be next.”
- Vote only for candidates who are committed to preserving home rule.
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