Running for Local Office
Attending the League of Women Voters of Manatee County’s “Running for Local Office Workshop” is a great way to educate yourself on the art of campaigning for office. Run before? Pick up a few additional pointers when you run again or assist another candidate in the future!
The League is offering a half-day “Running for Local Office” workshop for citizens, prospective candidates for public office, and those that support them. The workshop includes information on preparing yourself to be a candidate, working with the press and social media, working with your political party, completing necessary paperwork and running a successful campaign.
This workshop provides an opportunity for you to talk, brainstorm and question those who have been through it before, and been successful. If you are serious about running, you will want to invite your support.
Speakers include:
- * Scott Farrington, Assistant Supervisor of Elections of Manatee County
- * Andre Torkelson, Political Consultant, Keen Campaigning, Inc.
- * Panel discussion with successful campaigners:
- – Retired County commissioner Betsy Benac
- – Mayor of Palmetto Shirley Bryant
- – Bradenton City Council Marianne Barneby
- – Retire School Board member Charlie Kennedy