The League of Women Voters of Manatee County, in support of the League’s mission to encourage informed and active participation in government, is pleased to offer presentations on voting, government and advocacy issues. These presentations are free and available to schools, churches, community groups and organizations. Programs are added and changed on a regular basis.
For further information, descriptions or to arrange a presentation, call 941- 744-9692 or email info@lwvmanatee.org
Why Young People Should Register and Vote
This presentation, designed for schools and youth groups, reviews the rights of young people to vote, the importance of voting and developing the habit of voting in every election. It also goes over how to fill out the Voter Registration form, and find information on the candidates and issues on the ballot.
News: Separating Fact from Fiction
This presentation explains how to examine if News stories are presented with bias or are entirely false.
Medicaid Expansion in Florida
The Medicaid expansion is long overdue in Florida. Over 700,000 Floridians would gain health coverage if our state adopted this common-sense option that many other states have. Get the facts and find out what can be done to bring Medicaid Expansion to Florida.
Health Care in America
What do Medicare (Parts A, B, C, and/or D), Medicaid, and other health insurance options mean for me? How do I make the right choice when it comes to my healthcare and my vote on healthcare issues? This presentation explains how the American healthcare system works, de-mystifies some of its vocabulary, and looks at what Americans get for their healthcare dollar compared to other countries.
National Popular Vote
This presentation will cover what the Electoral College is and how it works, why it was established, and what are its pros and cons. You will see why Florida gets so much attention in an election, but also why we do not have the voting power that we should. Then we will present a new way, consistent with our constitution, and currently in the news and being adopted by many states, to change how the Electoral College works so that the winner of the presidential election also be the winner of the popular vote for President.
Charter Schools
The promise of charters was to create a regulation free environment to reduce costs and promote innovation. Have charters fulfilled their promise?
Gun Safety in Florida
This presentation reviews Florida’s current gun laws and legislative proposals in the search to balance, as nearly as possible, individual constitutional rights with the welfare of the community.
Vote Smart – Researching Candidates and Issues
Elections can be confusing, and even more so for less well known offices (such as Secretary of Agriculture), issues, non-partisan candidates and judges. This presentation describes the League’s information resources as well as other reliable sources on the internet and locally.
The 72 Year Struggle for Women’s Suffrage
As we near the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote, this presentation looks back at the amazing leaders, strategies and tactics used to obtain the vote for half the citizens in the United States. It is quite a drama, with a happy ending.