Critical Race Theory: What it IS and IS NOT
Monday, October 25, 12:00 – 1:00PM,
Critical Race Theory – What it IS and IS NOT
Speaker: Dr. Julie Kessel has been with the St Pete League for 12 years and is the Past President of the League of Women Voters of the St Pete Area, having served in the past on the League state board as well. She is a board certified psychiatrist and completed her specialty training with the National Institute of Mental Health. Her clinical specialization is in evidence based medicine, psychopharmacology, pain management and forensic psychiatry. She is presently a Medical Officer for a major health care insurer.
Dr. Kessel has been a lifelong advocate for social justice, women’s rights and expanded healthcare access for all, having engaged in her first legal battle in 1975 as the plaintiff, bringing a Title IX challenge against her school district.
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