Taste of the LWV: Health Care Advocacy Committee

Taste of the League is a general meeting for members, as well as a chance for potential members to learn more about the League.  Register, mark your calendars, invite your friends and join us! 

Thursday, May 12, 5:30 A Taste of the League 
New, existing and potential members are invited.  At each Taste program we learn more about the League and more about League of Women Voters of Manatee County advocacy work.

Ruth Harenchar, Health Services Chair will be bringing us up to date on this committee’s Healthcare advocacy activities and future direction. 

Ruth’s committee is not only active locally, but Ruth has been active in the National League.  Ruth recently brought a position and study to our local league, to back for submission, as a position that can be voted on at the National Convention to obtain consensus.  Sound confusing? In the second half of the program, Ruth will clarify the National League process of taking or rejecting an advocacy position through study, concurrence and consensus.

Of course, we will have our toast and other fun events, so please join us, be informed, be inspired.

Register in advance for this meeting:
Click here

Please forward this notice to friends and share on social media.
Thank you. 

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May 12 2022


5:30 pm - 6:30 pm