Water, Water everywhere but will we really have safe water to drink?

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Manatee County experienced a 24% increase in population between 2010 and 2020. We expect a 50% growth in our population in the next 25 years. Manatee and Sarasota are the 10th fastest growing regions in the United States. The pressures this will put on our infrastructure and the availability of potable water will be immense.
The National Geographic recently had an article on the current state of our Florida Aquifer and it’s concerning. We are seeing less water recharging our aquifer. Too many people taking too much water from the aquifer, half the water is used to water our lawns, sea levels rise (we see the intrusion of salt water into our aquifer) and many other commercial uses of our water impact the sustainability of our water supply.
Learn what we are doing in Manatee county to deal with this issue today and into the future. Hear from experts on the water distribution as well as water usage.
Our panelists are:

  • Dennis Ragosta, Government Affairs Regional Manager
    Southwest Florida Water Management District
  •  Katie Gilmore, Water Division Manager 
    Manatee County Utilities Department
  • Jack Merriam, Retired Environmental Scientist


Oct 11 2021


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Zoom Teleconference