The overwhelming majority of Floridians think we should all have the freedom to make our own personal health care decisions without interference from politicians. Amendment 4 is a constitutional amendment that will be on the 2024 ballot that, if passed, would to give women the right to seek abortions up to viability. This is our only option to remove the Florida’s near-total abortion ban.
We need 60% of the voters on November 5 to support Amendment 4 in order for this ballot initiative to pass. That’s millions and millions of people we need to reach out to.
Ways To Secure the Win!
- Join “Yes on 4”, get their updates and volunteer –
- Sign up as a member of the LWVFL Reproductive Rights Action Team – Email:
- Every Thursday at 6pm is Virtual Phone Bank training –
- Every Tuesday at 5:15pm learn how to use the Reach organizing app to text your friends –
- Share Floridians for Reproductive Freedom posts on YOUR social media:
- Share News stories on reproductive rights
- Talk to your Neighbors, Friends, Family, at Appropriate Gatherings, etc. Please review the below materials.
- Postcard campaign and door-to-door canvassing campaign will roll out in July. Watch for news!
- Donate with credit card or checks at
This campaign has been expensive and there is a great deal of expense yet to come to get 60% of the voters to understand the importance of this amendment to the health and lives of pregnant women in Florida. Please consider a donation to Floridians Protecting Freedom!
More Information
In this powerful 30-minute video, the Women’s Resource Center (WRC) takes a stand in support of Amendment 4, encouraging a “Yes” vote to protect reproductive rights in Florida. WRC CEO Ashley Brown leads an insightful discussion with local leaders, including Nancy Hughes from the League of Women Voters, former Manatee County Commissioner Carol Whitmore, and Jaymie Carter, co-founder of Conservative Women for Freedom. Together, they break down the importance of restoring the rights once provided by Roe v. Wade and counter misinformation surrounding the amendment.
If you would like more information on how to help, contact
- The League of Women Voters of Manatee County – or 941-779-4165
- Floridians Protecting Freedom –
The LWVMC and LWVFL support an amendment to limit government interference with abortion. Florida voters want women to have the chance to ensure that their personal medical decisions are theirs and theirs alone to make. The League of Women Voters of Florida Board of Directors has voted to support this citizen initiative effort.