The League of Women Voters of Florida supports:
- Medicaid Expansion to provide access to health insurance for low-income Floridians. To see study on 2,800unnecessary deaths in Florida, Click Here
- Expanding oral health services to include dental therapists as providers.
- The Affordable Care Act (ACA) including Medicaid Expansion to improve access to affordable comprehensive health insurance for all Floridaresidents.
- Access to substance abuse, and mental health services for all Floridians
- Adequate care and needed family support for those with developmental and physical disabilities.
- Every woman’s right to access affordable, high-quality reproductive health care, including access to abortion services and birth control. Public policy in a pluralistic society must affirm the constitutional right to privacy of the individual to make reproductive choices.
Treating reproductive rights — including access to abortion — as a healthcare issue decidable by a woman and her qualified healthcare provider
Comprehensive sex education in schools to prevent unintended pregnancy, including increased access to publicly-funded family planning services & information on sexually transmitted diseases and birth control
Collaboration with 50+ organizations in the Floridians for Reproductive Freedom coalition in opposition to current or proposed restrictions on birth control and/or abortion
League Presentation -The New World of Health Care and A Business Case for Universal Health Care – December 12, 2020
The first speaker is Wendell Potter, an American advocate for health insurance payment reform, New York Times bestselling author, and former health insurance industry communications director. The second speaker is Ray Fusco is a retired healthcare administrator with over 40 years of experience managing for profit and not for profit healthcare entities.
Wendell Potter’s Center for Health and Democracy
To view the Ray Fusco slide show as a pdf, Click Here
Question from the presentation: Insurance companies used FUD to kill efforts for universal health care. What is FUD?
Answer: Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt
The LWV Health Committee would like to highlight some local Covid19 information.
Protection, Planning & Care for Older Adults
Join the Health Care Committee? Contact Health Care Chair Harenchar, (347) 563-7377,
Also Visit:
LWV FL Health Care
Medicaid Expansion saved 19,000 lives, Florida lost about 2,776 lives